The Out-Laws is a 2023 American action comedy film directed by Tyler Spindel, written by Evan Turner and Ben Zazove, produced by Adam Sandler, Adam DeVine, and Allen Covert. It stars DeVine, Nina Dobrev, Ellen Barkin and Pierce Brosnan. The plot follows a bank manager on his wedding week whose bank is robbed by criminals that he very strongly suspects might be his future in-laws.
The Out-Laws was released by Netflix on July 7, 2023.
Owen Browning is a young bank manager who’s about to be married to Parker McDermott, whose estranged parents contact her to come to the wedding. He’s excited he’s finally going to meet them, as she’s concerned they can be a bit much.
We soon see Owen’s parents Neil and Margie, who themselves are difficult. Owen calls to tell them the good news about Parker’s parents coming to the wedding. He first has to hear about an odd allergy of a guest, then they show their ignorance of her profession as a yoga instructor, believing it involves a stripper pole. Rather than being happy about the news that the other in-laws are coming, they criticize them for having been absent in Parker’s life.
At the bank, Owen has to free an employee who’s been pranked by being locked in the vault. So, he shows and talks about how state-of-the-art their bank’s security system is, they point out their rival bank’s vault security is considered to be the best in the state. Owen also points out all vaults have an emergency escape latch.
Out at dinner with his parents, they talk about the soon appearance of Parker’s parents. Meanwhile, Owen talks with the storage space facility where they rent as he’s hoping to access photos of Parker for a wedding photo montage. His call inadvertently alerts Eastern European mobster Rehan to their return.
The following night, the McDermotts let themselves in to their home while Parker is still out leading a yoga class, and scare Owen. They insist he call them Billy and Lilly. The next day, Owen takes off work to spend the day with the in-laws. They pick the agenda, so they go skydiving, get tattoos and go drinking.
The next day, the bank is held up by an infamous pair of criminals known as the “Ghost Bandits”. As the robbery occurs during his wedding week, certain indicators such as the cologne the man wears and flashbacks to the bar and what he told Lilly the previous day, lead Owen to believe that the robbers might in fact be his future in-laws.
FBI special agent Roger Oldham questions Owen as the bank manager with his in-laws directly behind him. Not able to say anything, Parker insists they leave once he breaks out in tears. Oldham has dedicated most of his career chasing the Ghost Bandits and he’s convinced they are behind the robbery.
Trying to enlist his parents’ help in outing the McDermotts, Owen tells them his suspicions. They do ask the direct inappropriate questions at dinner, but Billy and Lilly expertly redirect the conversation. Parker later asks Owen, but she thinks his theory is crazy.
Owen follows his in-laws to Rehan’s and hears her threaten to kill Parker if they don’t get her $5,000,000 more before the wedding. Oldham stops Owen on the highway, finds planted evidence in the trunk, so he spills on his in-laws. Oldham puts a wire on him, hoping he can get the McDermotts to confess. Instead, Rehan takes Parker hostage as insurance. Disgusted, Owen joins forces with his in-laws.
They first choose Victory Union Bank to rob. However through a comedy of errors, they lose most of the cash. So then they focus on Atlas Reserve, managed by Phoebe King. Owen goes in, asking her how he can better equip his bank. Phoebe’s arrogance kicks in, so she shows him all of the safeguards with him. Just as the safe opens, the McDermotts create a diversion out front while Owen locks himself in then uses the emergency escape latch to escape with the money.
At the ransom drop, Rehan is pleasantly surprised that Owen brought the money, but is going to kill them anyway. He miraculously guns them down, then the McDermotts distract the cops so Owen can sneak back into the vault with the money.
As the McDermotts turn themselves in and help Oldham with his ex, he lets them go briefly to Owen and Parker’s wedding reception.
During the credits, Owen slips a paperclip in a piece of cake for his new in-laws to use to get free of their handcuffs.